Saturday, December 7, 2019
Sport And Health Management In Abu Dhabi - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Sport And Health Management In Abu Dhabi. Answer: Introduction Awareness regarding sports and health issues are important for the health and wellbeing of individuals. Suitable physical activities and involvement in sports along with the basic awareness regarding health can be stated as major components of a healthy lifestyle. The government of Abu Dhabi realizes this fact and is interested in enhancing the awareness regarding the health and sports in Abu Dhabi. Various studies and scientific evidences project that the frequent practice of physical activities and sports with adequate health awareness allows individuals regardless of their race, age and gender to live a healthy life (Hunt et al. 2014). It is seen that various strategies in order to improve diet, quitting unhealthy substances like tobacco, alcohol and food with saturated fat can bring in various diseases to human body and increasing awareness regarding these issues can definitely improve individuals lifestyle along with that it can benefit the society in many ways. Background of the research The purpose of this research is to highlight the fact that increased awareness regarding sports and health can be helpful to empower Emirati society and that can potentially help to the sustainable development of Abu Dhabi. In todays world, it is seen that overall physical inactivity is approximated to cause at least 1.9 million deaths worldwide annually (Sallis et al. 2015). Due to inactivity the chances of cardiovascular diseases increase up to 1.5 to 2 times in individuals and thus in modern world experts always recommend to get engaged in some physical activities (Hamer, Lavoie and Bacon 2014). It is seen that the burden of non communicable diseases are moving to the developing and underdeveloped countries throughout the globe. In this situation why the individuals of Abu Dhabi are getting exposed in front of these diseases are becoming a matter of concern day by day. Chronic NCDs can surely be termed as diseases of affluence; this justifies the main topic of the research, where it is necessary to build proper awareness regarding health and sports in the land of Abu Dhabi for improving the state of the nation. In the developed countries the higher burden of NCD is seen and that means that they face a double load in the health services (Stenholm et al. 2016). Apart from that the sufferings of the individuals brings in various troubles and becomes hurdles in the smooth path of the societal development. Thus, prevention of NCDs by engaging in physical activities is a must for everyone be it living in a developed nation or in a developing one. Research aim The aim of this research is to highlight various factors that affect individuals due to lack of appropriate physical activities; such as various non communicable diseases. This research aims to show that increased awareness regarding health and sports can help to sustain the development of the country and will empower the Emirati community. Research objective To increase the awareness regarding health and sports or physical activities among the individuals of Abu Dhabi for a sustainable development of the nation. To show how can increased physical activities help individuals to lower threats of non communicable diseases? Research questions R1. How lack of appropriate physical activities bring in various non communicable diseases? R2. How the government of Abu Dhabi can increase adequate awareness regarding health and sports among the individuals? R3. How can individuals lower their risks of non communicable diseases by increasing physical activities? Structure of the research paper The introduction part of this research work gives an overview of the main topic of the research and that is how increased awareness regarding health and physical activities help to sustain the development of the nation. Apart from that the chapter one or the introductory part includes the main research questions along with the objective of the research and the main objective of this research work. After that in the literature review section, the contemporary issues and debates in this context is mentioned with proper evidences. In the methodology section it is mentioned how the research scholar intends to go about the social research work. Brief of the methodological debates and specific techniques of taking out the research work is mentioned in the methodology section. Literature review Conceptual framework Conceptual framework Source: Created by author Literature review Worldwide it is seen that more than 62% of the adults are reluctant in engaging in any kinds of physical activities which are beneficial for their health. It is a matter of fact that physical inactivity is most seen among women, elder adults and individuals from either extremely poor socio-economic background or individuals from higher socio-economical background. In many cases physical activities decreases with aging during the adolescence and this trend is alarming in Abu Dhabi along with in many countries worldwide (Hamer, Lavoie and Bacon 2014). Statistics provide the fact that currently almost one third of the entire population of earth are suffering from non communicable diseases due to lack of proper physical activities. In Abu Dhabi it is a concerning fact that the decreasing physical activities and lesser programs regarding physical education is making it difficult for the youths and the elder adults to live a proper healthy life. In this way the higher body mass index rates are increasing among the adults of the residents of Abu Dhabi exposing them in front of various cardio-vascular diseases and other non communicable diseases (Hunt et al. 2014). This situation is directly related to the lack of proper physical activities in leisure times and in many ways even more likely that the trends of passing leisure times by watching television or playing indoor games. This trend needs to be in control soon before major damage is done. It is the duty of the government that they should come up with improvised policies regarding these issues. The government should support and arrange programs and debates regarding this issue and the general awareness regarding this topic should be increased. Direct and indirect benefits It can be said that frequent physical activities like getting engaged in sports or any sorts of physical activities can effectively help to achieve various gains which are health related. Apart from lesser physical activities, individuals uncontrolled usage of tobacco, alcohol and other substances are making it difficult for the citizens of Abu Dhabi to live a healthy life and due to these reasons their rate of life expectancy is decreasing majorly (Sallis et al. 2015). Thus in this context, it is worth mentioning that, lack of physical activities lead to various health problems like increased blood pressure, cholesterol level, sugar level and many more. Above all, lack of physical activities increases stress and various types of cardio vascular diseases. It is a proven fact that adequate physical activities effectively reduce risks of some cancers, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. These are the direct benefits of getting engaged to physical activities. Figure: health benefits physical activities Source: (Hamer, Lavoie and Bacon 2014) Minimum physical activity required In this regard it can be said that an individual should get engaged in at least 150 minutes in any kinds of physical activities in order to prevent any types of cardiovascular diseases for them who are genetically prone to get exposed to these types of diseases. Apart from that if an individual who has a physically fit body, if invests 45 minutes in any kind of physical activities daily there should not be any physical issues. In todays world, technological advancement and economic affluence in majority of the households of UAE is affecting the general physical activities of the citizen. In this context it should be mentioned that individuals can at least try to take a small walk rather than using vehicles and even might help in daily chores as an act of staying physically fit (Sallis et al. 2015). The government of UAE is thus encouraging in building clubs where individuals can easily subscribe and enjoy and play various kinds of outdoor sports, can swim, can ride horses and even ca n invest sometime in gym. The government is providing huge financial back up to those clubs in order to keep the citizens fit to maintain a healthy human resource for the country. Empowering community It is a matter of fact that as the government of UAE is trying to invest in clubs and in various sports activities, in this way there would be immense requirement of human resources in order to run the managerial works, coordinating and many other sectors. Thus in this way a huge population can get jobs and this would rightly help to empower a significant amount of the Emirati community (Stenholm et al. 2016). It is a matter of fact that the act of encouraging to get physically fit is definitely the example of sharp vision of the government of UAE; as they understood that human resources are the asset of any nation and in order to sustain the development of the country, the physically fit human resources is a major necessity. Economic benefits of physical activity There are various economic benefits of physical activities and this section of is research gives a brief idea of the matter. If an individual gets engaged in adequate amount of physical activities on a daily basis he would definitely witness reduced health costs, significantly increased productivity, and positive social along with physical environment. It is a proven fact that economic consequences of physical activities actually affect individuals, businesses of the country and definitely the nation. Various secondary data provides the fact that in USA roughly 1 dollar investment in equipments and gears related to physical activities saves at least 3.7 US dollars (Hamer, Lavoie and Bacon 2014). This astonishing data somehow attracted the attention of the government of UAE and that made the government realize the effectiveness of investing for physical activities of the general population of the country. Apart from that it is seen that workplace physical activity programs can reduce various types of sick leaves up to 4 percent and this is another statistic that backs up the entire idea of making the entire population of the country more physically fit. Environmental issues The social and physical environment of the cities of the country UAE has immense impact on the extent of the physical activities of the population. For an example, it can be said that the promotion of physical activities by commuting allows the government to build a greater utilization of the public transportations and that can attract the urban planners and agents of transportation (Stenholm et al. 2016). The key issues in this regard are improving the infrastructures like playgrounds, stairwells, road networks that can serve the purpose. There are some huddles in the path of the improvements; like criminal activities, decreasing air quality and these can effectively reduce the positive factors of the good initiatives of the government. Research methodology Outline of the research methodology The outline of the research shows the tools of the research methodology which were chosen and executed by the social researcher. The research scholar somehow is able to provide adequate explanation regarding the assortment of the methodology of the research for the topic above mentioned. Type of the research Selected Methodology Philosophy of the Research Postpositivism Design of the Research Descriptive Research Approach Deductive Research Strategy Interview of Focus Group Process of Data Collection Primary Data Analysis Process Quantitative Analysis Research philosophy In this research Post positivism is chosen as the main philosophy of the research as, it would allow the researcher to emphasize interdependence between the social research and the participants of the research. For this research work, the researcher should invest more attention on the quantitative factors. The chief constituents of this philosophical approach are the laws relating interactions between the units of the research and the description of the boundaries for the particular theory. A post positivists approach should also consist of the empirical indicators to connect the observable phenomena and the hypotheses which can be tested using proper scientific tool. Using Post positivism philosophy, the researcher would try to falsify the hypothesis and especially quantitative analysis can be done in this way for this particular research. Research approach The appropriate approach of research is the deductive method. In deductive approach, it is majorly based on the active concepts and theories. The deductive approach can offer a prospect for the research scholar helping him to examine the existing impression and relating the same with the research topic. For this study of research, the scholar has chosen the deductive approach as that can enable the researcher to convert the common data into detailed information. Apart from that, this can facilitate the research scholar to get to the bottom of the contemporary theories and the information as an alternative of improving a new idea or a fresh theory. Research design For this research paper, the research scholar has selected the descriptive type of design. The key cause behind this is the amalgamation of all the advantages regarding both the explanatory and the exploratory type research design. This allows the research scholar to explain the subject of the research and predicting the future occurrence that is directly related to the experience. Strategy of the research For this particular social research, the research scholar will have to make good use the questionnaires that should be e-mailed to the respondents or to be distributed within a precise area where the researcher hopes to find them. Another form would be the interview, which is the one to one communication that the researcher hopes to perform with some officials of the administrative department, fitness trainers, doctors and general citizens. The survey is conducted by making close ended questions and collecting data from reliable sources in order to collect the factual data more precisely. Interviewing can be defined as the process of data collection and an in-depth discussion is made among the interviewer and the respondent. It is done with a reason like survey and research, where both the parties are inclined towards contributing in a boundary that is one to one. In this process, the stimuli of oral-verbal are being depicted and answered by means of oral-verbal reactions. It is usually is considered as one of the most brilliant methods of data collection because it allows a two way swap of information. In this way, the researcher gets to discern the respondent while the respondent discovers about the researcher. The interviews should be personal in nature, where the interviewer should go for open ended type of questions. In case of the interview linked with data collection process, the chance of the non-responses will be almost none; because in a face to face type of interaction, people would not be able to keep away from answering the questions. Data collection method For the method of primary data collection, interviews and questionnaires must be the chief instruments to get to know the chief motive of the topic. Relevant people like the officials of the administrative department along with local and few other individuals would be the ones who should be targeted by the social researcher for the purpose of his research work and going along with the data collection method. Subsequently, whatever the way is for the collection of information, it ought to be fulfilling the requisites. The ultimate objective would to be to productively finish the research study satisfying the aims and objectives of the research work by an appropriate research study. Outcomes The main research questions were how the lack of physical activities brings in various non communicable diseases and the research study rightly proves how inadequate physical activities expose individuals in front of various health problems and diseases. 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